BC Turkey Marketing Board
Prior to the creation of the BC Turkey Marketing Board in 1966, there was no coordinated planning in the BC turkey industry. Each turkey farmer negotiated his or her own price for their turkeys going to market and secured their own turkey poults. It was difficult, if not impossible, for individual farmers to predict product demand or supply and manage their operations accordingly. In some instances, prices received by farmers fluctuated below the cost of raising turkeys, which in turn resulted in increasing pressure toward integration of production into the processing sector. These issues, among others, led to the formation of the BC Turkey Marketing Board.
The Board has the authority to regulate the production of all turkey grown for either meat or eggs in British Columbia. Any entity that grows more than the alloted 50 turkeys per year for personal consumption is subject to the Board’s Order and Regulations. Under the Natural Products Marketing (B.C.) Act and the BC Turkey Marketing Scheme, the BC Turkey Marketing Board:
- Licenses turkey farmers, hatcheries and processors
- Sets the minimum live price for turkey in negotiations with processors
- Maintains a quota system
- Promotes turkey products
The Board is overseen by the BC Farm Industry Review Board.
The Board is comprised of a BC Government appointed Chair and 3 to 4 turkey farmers elected by their peers. Elected Board Members typically serve three-year terms that are staggered to ensure continuity and succession planning.
The current Board is comprised of:
- Kalpna Solanki, Chair
- James Krahn, Board Member
- Debbie Etsell, Board Member
- Randy Redekop, Board Member
- Shawn Heppell, Board Member
Each Board Member serves on a variety of committees to represent the BC turkey industry at provincial and national levels.