BC Turkey Association
The BC Turkey Association (BCTA) was formed in 1951 under the BC Societies Act primarily as a social venue for farmers. The objectives of the BCTA were to:
- Bring together all persons interested or engaged in the raising of turkeys and to promote the welfare of those so interested or engaged within the province of BC;
- Gather and disseminate information on the raising of turkeys and the improvements in breeding, feeding and selling turkeys; and,
- Promote the marketing and sale of turkeys and turkey eggs and to grow market demand for turkey and turkey products.
The BCTA has evolved into taking a leadership role on issues facing turkey farmers in BC. Areas of interest include environment, bio-security, and on-farm food safety.
The BCTA is a member of the BC Poultry Association and the BC Agriculture Council.
The current BCTA Board is comprised of:
- Steve Heppell, President
- Stan Thiessen, Director
- Steve Froese, Director
- Myles Andrew, Director
- Erv Wiens, Director
- Henry Klassen, Director